We know the ‘change’ is going to happen one day, right? And, wouldn’t we love to reduce menopause symptoms to the point where we hardly notice them?
Here’s the thing: Women generally hit menopause around age 52, and perimenopause is said to begin 5-8 years prior to that. Unfortunately, our exposure to xenoestrogens in our air, our household and beauty products, our food and our everyday ‘things’ are causing more and more women to experience perimenopause symptoms as young as 35! Ouch!
We’ve all heard the horror stories surrounding those awful menopausal symptoms, too. Whether it’s our female co-workers walking around the office fanning themselves or our mothers complaining about night sweats, we ALL know what the inevitable is going to be! And we ALL want to reduce menopause symptoms so we don’t have to experience them.
Chronic stress is often the root cause behind many of the menopause symptoms women experience. Essentially, our crazy, busy, hectic lives are causing our adrenals to become dysfunctional, and our sex hormones are unable to remain at a healthy balance.
To reduce menopause symptoms (or stop them altogether), we need to support our adrenals. And, to support our adrenals, we need adequate nutrition.
Why Can’t I Reduce Menopause Symptoms?!?!
(Because I Eat Healthy! )
You think you’re eating healthy and getting all the proper nutrition yet your body is starting to deceive you! Is there really a way to reduce menopause symptoms with food and supplements?
You bet there is!
The problem is that many women believe they’re eating healthy when really, they’re adding more stress to their already stressful lives. This stress isn’t obvious though, but it’s happening. Those adrenals are constantly active and, over time, they start to work less efficiently.
You see, when your adrenals are overactive or fatigued, your body is using up a TON of extra resources to keep them going. Plus, those so-called healthy foods really aren’t doing you any favors. They’re stealing nutrients that your adrenals need to keep you healthy.
And, many other health issues associated with menopause, like osteoporosis and weight gain, are often the direct result of stress, sugar, and unhealthy habits stripping our bodies of precious nutrients, too!
Reduce Menopause Symptoms Naturally
A few specific supplements can definitely help reduce menopause symptoms and keep early menopause at bay. Adequate nutrients help rein in those hot flashes and make menopause (when you finally do hit it) so much more bearable!
Because sometimes our foods don’t quite have enough nutrition in them to fully support all that’s going on inside us, supplements come in very handy. Use these 3 key supplements to reduce menopause symptoms naturally and help avoid menopause-related health issues as well!
Vitamin D / Calcium / Magnesium Complex
Vitamin D is manufactured by the skin when it is exposed to sunlight. Unfortunately, most North Americans don’t get enough exposure (and when we do, we use sunscreen). Plus, as we age, our skin is less able to produce adequate Vitamin D.
Vitamin D is important for bone health – it helps protect our bones and keep them strong. Vitamin D helps our bodies absorb calcium and move it into our bones.
Fun fact – people with enough vitamin D experience fewer falls too. This is super important as we get older! (As are functional fitness workouts!)
Calcium needs vitamin D to be absorbed and support bone health. It’s used to manufacture bone cells and keep them healthy and strong.
Calcium and magnesium have opposing effects on the body (calcium contracts muscles while magnesium relaxes them, for example). So, you shouldn’t take either magnesium or calcium without the other!
Magnesium is a calming nutrient as it helps normalize blood pressure. People low in magnesium often experience migraines, diabetes and low bone density.
B Vitamins
Hot flashes are really an indication that the adrenals are dysfunctional. Therefore, it’s important to support these glands once you turn 35 or 40. B vitamins help nourish the adrenals, which are used throughout many of the adrenal gland processes. When stressed, the adrenals work overtime, using up the B vitamins in our bodies rather quickly.
And, since sleep disturbances associated with menopausal symptoms are also because of poor adrenal function, getting those B vitamins will help regulate sleep too!
A B-complex is your best option to reduce menopause symptoms because the B vitamins work in conjunction with each other. Sure, you could take one or two of the B vitamins individually, but you won’t get the same results as you will if you take them together!
Omega-3s or Fish Oils
Fish oil supplements, or omega-3 fatty acids, are continuously recommended for a variety of health concerns. Omega-3s help improve memory and cognition, keep cell walls strong, and reduce inflammation. They’re also great for improving cardiovascular health.
Wild-caught fatty fish, cold-pressed flaxseed oil and cod liver oil are the best food sources of omega-3 fats. However, many of us either don’t eat enough of these or we’re eating the wrong kinds. (The wrong stuff increases our inflammation and health issues).
Fish oil supplements contain EPA and DHA, which our body converts to the essential fat ALA. The brain loves EPA and DHA but it’s really ALA that is important; this is the anti-inflammatory fatty acid that contributes to good health.
Keep inflammation low in the body to reduce menopause symptoms.
Ideally, once a woman turns 45, she should be taking these 3 supplements every day. (You can get each in a single bottle too.)
However, if you’re younger than this, under a lot of stress (chronic day-to-day stress), and beginning to notice menopausal symptoms or changes in your period, you should consider starting these supplements right away.
Always read the supplement labels and follow the directions and warnings written on them. Make sure to talk to your doctor if you’re taking any medications just in case there are complications between that and these supplements. Remember, too, that supplements are NOT an excuse to eat poorly – you still need to follow a healthy, whole-foods based diet.
And, if you’re struggling with how to reduce menopause symptoms naturally, why not book a free confidential consultation with me today? We can dig deeper into your health concerns and determine if a natural approach to your menopausal symptoms is best.